I have passed my practice + healing center down to my proteges who will carry on my healing legacy. More updates on this in the near future.
Thank you for blessing me with your presence. It is an honor I will always treasure. Know that my love and appreciation will be with you as you continue to blossom and grow.
Urgent Update on Dr. Sharon Forrest

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” – Tia Walker
Dear Family, Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Students, clients, and healing community…
Dr. Sharon Forrest is internationally renowned and loved as a Master Healer, Teacher, inspiring Life Coach and Champion for those in need. Her warm loving nature and mischievous sense of humour have endeared her to thousands worldwide.
On January 24, 2023, Dr Sharon turned 82! This new chapter finds her in need of extra support and Love to help her soar in a new direction, continue her life passion with purpose and finish the four books she started over 40 years ago, on hold because her time was, is and always has been so selflessly given to help and support others.
This past November, Dr. Sharon had a traumatic event that left her in the ICU for 3 weeks. She was in septic shock and the doctors said it was unlikely she would survive! Though she has blessedly recovered, it has not been to her full strength or capacity. She now requires extra support with everyday things including mobility, preparing meals, getting to appointments and above all else, the financial support needed to live her modest day to day life - with support.
Because Dr. Sharon has given all she had to those in need over the years, including her Life Insurance to help open her hospital in Mexico, there is no nest egg for her to fall back on.
Due to the delicate nature of her health, Dr. Sharon can no longer teach workshops nor do personal healing sessions. Without this income, she is having to move out of her home. We have found a retirement home that will allow Dr. Sharon to have time for her own healing, to finish writing her books, and mingle with other seniors.
As Dr. Sharon is no longer able to generate an income, we as part of her Soul family are reaching out to you to humbly and respectfully ask for your benevolent and gracious financial support. Your kind donations will help ensure Dr. Sharon is cared for during this next chapter, one in which she is being required to receive. Far more at home giving, accepting help is now part of her learning journey, one she is deeply grateful to be taking with all of her dear friends, students, family, clients, colleagues and healing community.
Please join us in offering Dr. Sharon deep gratitude her for all the care, wisdom, teaching and kindness she has shared with you, with us and with the world.
If you are able to contribute to the Go Love Me for Dr. Sharon, any and all amounts are received with love and deep appreciation. The donations will go directly into Dr. Sharon’s account and enable her to make the first instalment to the retirement home, which she needs to move into by March 1 as her current residence needs to be vacated.
We are requesting donations to reach a total of $111,000 to support Dr. Sharon in her move and settle in to a new way of living and sharing where she too is nurtured and cared for.
To make a love donation, please click the button below:
In love and gratitude,
Dr. Sharon’s Soul Team
“If you shift your focus from yourself to others, extend your concern to others, and cultivate the thought of caring for the well-being of others, then this will have the immediate effect of opening up your life and helping you to reach out.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
Dr. Sharon’s Soul Team
“If you shift your focus from yourself to others, extend your concern to others, and cultivate the thought of caring for the well-being of others, then this will have the immediate effect of opening up your life and helping you to reach out.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
About Dr. Sharon Forrest
At age 16, Dr. Sharon ran away from her affluent but abusive home to live in the slums of Montreal East. She was called ‘Chere Ange’ / ‘Dear Angel’ because of her work with abused woman and children and her advocacy for the poor.
That experience evolved into the “Chocolatada”. A program in the High Andes of Peru that still exists today, where thousands of children and elders receive small gifts, school supplies, and clothing along with a special treat of quinoa hot chocolate.
Some of you may be unaware that Dr. Sharon has given the proceeds from all her workshops and private sessions to fund further programs such as AndeanChildren.org, Paskay and Casa Del Sol headquarters located in Ollantayambo/Cusco, Peru for the last 30+ years.
Dr. Sharon has never put herself first nor has she ever turned anyone away for healing, giving endless free support in communities the world over, most recently for the countless numbers of people who reached out to her during covid.
She has sat with countless in their traumas, grief, disease, depression and personally helped thousands break through and step into a freedom they would have never been able to reach if it wasn’t for her LOVE, HEALING and TRANSFORMATIONAL PRESENCE.
Since the age of 16, after a painful Christmas experience of her own, Sharon’s home has always been open to those in need of family and connection during the holidays, wanting everyone to have a home and a healthy meal to nourish themselves with.
Dr. Sharon has enhanced the lives of thousands upon thousands by creating healing modalities and teaching them to many thousands of students who have transformed myriad souls by releasing the impact of multigenerational trauma and beyond.
Her desire for the last almost 80 years has been to share her soul’s work. She now wants to finish writing her books so her beautiful legacy can live on and flourish in the hands and hearts of countless people world-wide.
Dr. Sharon Forrest is the Founder and Director of Healthways International and the Enlightened Humanitarians Society offering a wide variety of modalities and workshops for healing, personal growth and self-empowerment. As well, she is co-founder of Casa Hogar Del Sol and Paskay - nonprofit, NGO organizations in Peru with flourishing programs dedicated to providing a chance at life to underprivileged children and adults.
Dr. Sharon Forrest "Life Transformer" is the best way to describe her. Mischievously humorous, Sharon's loving, charismatic nature and healing talents have endeared her to thousands worldwide. She offers an extensive background in naturalistic and energy medicine, spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and ancient wisdom. Surviving phenomenal "personal growth and three near-death experiences" attest to this healer's inner strength as well as to her quest for understanding this planet's daily University of Life! A knowledgeable hands-on-healer, medical intuitive since early childhood, Sharon has the gift of enthusiastically blending spirituality, science and healing with love and laughter. A tail-blazer she effortlessly proves the power of healing Body, Mind and Soul. Results of her healing work have provided her a leading role in the integration of complementary holistic therapies and western medicine. Numerous medical doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists come to her as patients and students, plus refer their patients.
She had a residential clinic in Cuernavarca, Mexico and a research hospital in Montreal, Canada, both specializing in chronic and degenerative disease. 30+ years ago, she had debilitating chronic asthma, was dying of lupus and receiving last Rites. 20+ years ago her middle daughter was in a wheelchair with MS. Today they are both happy and healthy.
She has had great success empowering people to reverse diseases, heal health issues, find hidden saboteurs, break old patterns, heal unresolved childhood abuse, depression, anger, resentments, guilts, etc. She also inspire people to discover their Life Purpose and reach their potential.
At age 16, Dr. Sharon ran away from her affluent but abusive home to live in the slums of Montreal East. She was called ‘Chere Ange’ / ‘Dear Angel’ because of her work with abused woman and children and her advocacy for the poor.
That experience evolved into the “Chocolatada”. A program in the High Andes of Peru that still exists today, where thousands of children and elders receive small gifts, school supplies, and clothing along with a special treat of quinoa hot chocolate.
Some of you may be unaware that Dr. Sharon has given the proceeds from all her workshops and private sessions to fund further programs such as AndeanChildren.org, Paskay and Casa Del Sol headquarters located in Ollantayambo/Cusco, Peru for the last 30+ years.
Dr. Sharon has never put herself first nor has she ever turned anyone away for healing, giving endless free support in communities the world over, most recently for the countless numbers of people who reached out to her during covid.
She has sat with countless in their traumas, grief, disease, depression and personally helped thousands break through and step into a freedom they would have never been able to reach if it wasn’t for her LOVE, HEALING and TRANSFORMATIONAL PRESENCE.
Since the age of 16, after a painful Christmas experience of her own, Sharon’s home has always been open to those in need of family and connection during the holidays, wanting everyone to have a home and a healthy meal to nourish themselves with.
Dr. Sharon has enhanced the lives of thousands upon thousands by creating healing modalities and teaching them to many thousands of students who have transformed myriad souls by releasing the impact of multigenerational trauma and beyond.
Her desire for the last almost 80 years has been to share her soul’s work. She now wants to finish writing her books so her beautiful legacy can live on and flourish in the hands and hearts of countless people world-wide.
Dr. Sharon Forrest is the Founder and Director of Healthways International and the Enlightened Humanitarians Society offering a wide variety of modalities and workshops for healing, personal growth and self-empowerment. As well, she is co-founder of Casa Hogar Del Sol and Paskay - nonprofit, NGO organizations in Peru with flourishing programs dedicated to providing a chance at life to underprivileged children and adults.
Dr. Sharon Forrest "Life Transformer" is the best way to describe her. Mischievously humorous, Sharon's loving, charismatic nature and healing talents have endeared her to thousands worldwide. She offers an extensive background in naturalistic and energy medicine, spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and ancient wisdom. Surviving phenomenal "personal growth and three near-death experiences" attest to this healer's inner strength as well as to her quest for understanding this planet's daily University of Life! A knowledgeable hands-on-healer, medical intuitive since early childhood, Sharon has the gift of enthusiastically blending spirituality, science and healing with love and laughter. A tail-blazer she effortlessly proves the power of healing Body, Mind and Soul. Results of her healing work have provided her a leading role in the integration of complementary holistic therapies and western medicine. Numerous medical doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists come to her as patients and students, plus refer their patients.
She had a residential clinic in Cuernavarca, Mexico and a research hospital in Montreal, Canada, both specializing in chronic and degenerative disease. 30+ years ago, she had debilitating chronic asthma, was dying of lupus and receiving last Rites. 20+ years ago her middle daughter was in a wheelchair with MS. Today they are both happy and healthy.
She has had great success empowering people to reverse diseases, heal health issues, find hidden saboteurs, break old patterns, heal unresolved childhood abuse, depression, anger, resentments, guilts, etc. She also inspire people to discover their Life Purpose and reach their potential.

Please Note: Due to circumstances seemingly beyond her control, Dr. Sharon Forrest is retiring and will finish writing her books.
Disclaimer: Please be informed that the therapies offered by Sharon Forrest and Healthways are not the lieu of medical attention but as a powerful adjunct.