I have closed my practice + healing center.
No matter what you call it, a medical revolution is radically changing American health care. Today, more than 60% of all Americans use some form of alternative or non-traditional healing techniques. Increasingly, doctors and health care practitioners are integrating the precision of modern science with Ancient Wisdom and Natural Healing Techniques.
Why continue to hurt mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually? Why stay stuck in some area of your life? You can break multi-generational patterns and empower your family and loved ones to heal. You can make your life transitions smooth and successful. You can heal all areas of your life, reach your potential and live your passion!
Why continue to hurt mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually? Why stay stuck in some area of your life? You can break multi-generational patterns and empower your family and loved ones to heal. You can make your life transitions smooth and successful. You can heal all areas of your life, reach your potential and live your passion!
AccuSpark Treatment

Uses Programmed Crystal Pizzo-Electric Energy to release blocks in the physical body. This treatment is recommended for: greatly enhancing circulation, eliminating numbness, blockages and stiffness in all areas of the body.
Birth, Conception and Womb Trauma Clearing

Unfortunately, neurosis (hang-ups) can take root before and while we are being born.
Gestation Period: Science is finally proving in labs, and I have definitely seen with my children and clients, that what goes on in the mother’s life and surroundings while carrying a child in her womb, can and do effect the baby from conception on into adulthood, i.e., Illness, arguments, fights, rapes, accidents, falls, frights, attempted aborting, being unwanted, etc.
Annoxia – Oxygen Deprivation: It stands to reason if a baby’s basic needs for oxygen are not met in the womb and/or at childbirth they invariably suffer the consequences later on.
Birth Trauma - can be a traumatic event, which not only leaves physical scars but psychological scars as well. I.e. stuck in the birth canal, the umbilical cord wrap around their neck, mother dying, the use of forceps or suction devices, being a breech or cesarean birth, etc. Regularly mothers are given heavy doses of anesthetics to numb childbirth pain. Anesthetics act directly on the survival functions of the unborn child, interfering with oxygen absorption and can feel life-threatening to the infant being born.
Gestation Period: Science is finally proving in labs, and I have definitely seen with my children and clients, that what goes on in the mother’s life and surroundings while carrying a child in her womb, can and do effect the baby from conception on into adulthood, i.e., Illness, arguments, fights, rapes, accidents, falls, frights, attempted aborting, being unwanted, etc.
Annoxia – Oxygen Deprivation: It stands to reason if a baby’s basic needs for oxygen are not met in the womb and/or at childbirth they invariably suffer the consequences later on.
Birth Trauma - can be a traumatic event, which not only leaves physical scars but psychological scars as well. I.e. stuck in the birth canal, the umbilical cord wrap around their neck, mother dying, the use of forceps or suction devices, being a breech or cesarean birth, etc. Regularly mothers are given heavy doses of anesthetics to numb childbirth pain. Anesthetics act directly on the survival functions of the unborn child, interfering with oxygen absorption and can feel life-threatening to the infant being born.
Black Pearl Technique

The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems. When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name.

Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment CCMBA/Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing CCSMC. Claimed by researchers to be the most powerful ‘Hands-On-Healing’ Technique in the medical and spiritual fields today and written up in 100s of books. The CCMBA/CCSMC Energy works with the Higher Self on the individual’s issues no matter what they are and invariably obtains results! The CCMBA/CCSMC Energy targets the problem wherever it exists and works on all levels, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Emotional Release Technique

Emotional traumas are stored in the body on cellular and morphogenetic levels. These can be released. We call this modality ‘Emotional Liposuction’. Discharge Anger, Rage, Sorrow, Guilt, Fear and Abandonment. This is done with steady pressure applied to specific emotional trigger points.
Hands-on Healing

Also known as Vibrational or Spiritual Healing has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years. The Laying-On-Of-Hands as Jesus did on areas of pain, stress, or inflammation, causes the body to resonate at a higher frequency so healing can take place. Assorted focused protocols for: migraines, asthma, constipation, menstrual problems, back pain, neck pain, injuries, etc. are available. Time and again, Hands-on Healing is studied and true to form, it faithfully demonstrates its effectiveness in healing, as published in scores of scientifically based national healing studies
Disclaimer: Healing is not a substitute for medical and/or psychiatric treatment. Please seek the advice from a professional Health Care Provider. Healing is an individual experience and specific results can not be guaranteed.